Spark Notes - 9/23

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Fivefold Ministry - Apostles - Greg Schut

Ephesians 4:11-13: "So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up  until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ."

Greg shared about seeing a picture of the fivefold ministry giftings as a hand and each finger was a different gifting. The apostle was on the thumb. When we use our hands, our thumb can assist all of the other fingers. Someone with the apostolic gift can often assist or operate in all of the other areas. 

Apostle means "sent one". 

As Jesus was the ultimate example of all of the gifts - Apostle, Pastor, Teacher, Evangelist, and Prophet, as the apostle, he was commissioned, or sent by the Father to come to earth. 

In the Greek translation, apostle means "headship". In the cultural context, when a Kingdom would overtake another, they would send in the headship that would go ahead and establish the culture of the one that overtook. So if the apostle can mean headship, it means that they are someone who longs to establishes or release the Father's culture, the Kingdom, wherever they are. 

People with the apostolic gift often are builders - physical and/or relational/spiritual. They often create.  They also typically have a strong gift in administration and/or organization; they bring order and direction. 

Apostles ensure that they body is built on Christ's foundation. They "hold the line" on the Truth. They are faithful to the Truth. They hold to Christ's standard. We see the example of the apostles in Acts - when they would be persecuted but would stand for the Truth. 

People with the Apostolic gifting also love to see other's walking in their calling. They They awaken people to their God designed potential. They are instrumental in people discovering who they really are, and walking alongside them to get there. They forge new paths in the Kingdom and are a catalyst for change wherever they go.

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