What is HOME?

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The House of Missions & Equipping is a Christian missions base that has a central emphasis on prayer & worship (exalting the name of Jesus), making disciples and supporting the local church.
Our mission at HOME is to equip others to live active prayer lives, to fully engage in worship, and to do Kingdom work throughout NW Iowa and the surrounding region.

Our desire is that this ministry would serve as a catalyst for bringing Christians together to love and serve our community, flowing from a lifestyle rooted in prayer & worship. Viewed this way, HOME is a gathering place where people from all walks of life can come together to study, network, dream, learn, lift up their hearts to the Lord in prayer, and then go and impact the world we live in to the glory of God.

HOME is run by staff and volunteers whose mission is to grow closer to the Lord in worship and prayer. 

We host a weekly time of worship, prayer, & teaching called IGNITE. IGNITE services are every Sunday at 5:00pm. On Wednesday nights at 9:00pm, we host a casual prayer and worship service called the Loft. Throughout the week, there are various live worship sets scheduled. Visit our calendar for dates and times.

We also host different prayer ministries that include: Verse of the Week Prayer meetings, Prophetic Ministry, Healing Ministry, and Freedom Ministry. Visit our website, sc-home.org, for more information and how to sign up. Feel free to visit HOME Monday through Friday 6:00am to 10:00pm, Saturdays 7:00am to 10:00pm, and Sunday evenings at 5:00pm for our IGNITE service. 

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